For over forty (40) years, NEPA has served as the regional development district for the programs and services of the Appalachian Regional Commission and the Economic Development Administration.

These federal agencies have provided significant grant assistance in Northeastern Pennsylvania for a myriad of projects that have led to job creation, private investment; community improvements and an enhanced quality of life in the region.

NEPA also provides consulting services for New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) and Pennsylvania Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP).

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NEPA’s Research & Information Center utilizes the IMPLAN® modeling software to better understand and monitor our regional economy. The software ensures economic development decision-makers have accurate data and scenario summaries to make sound decisions.

A Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is designed to bring together the public and private sectors to diversify and strengthen regional economies by creating an economic roadmap. The CEDS should analyze the regional economy, serve as a guide for establishing regional goals and objectives, develop and implement a regional plan of action, and identify investment priorities and funding sources. A CEDS integrates a region’s human and physical capital planning in the service of economic development. Integrated economic development planning provides the flexibility to adapt to global economic conditions and fully utilizes the region’s unique advantages to maximize economic opportunity for its residents by attracting the private investment that creates jobs for the region’s residents. A CEDS must be the result of a continuing economic development planning process developed with broad-based and diverse public and private sector participation, and must set forth the goals and objectives necessary to solve the economic development problems of the region and clearly define the metrics of success. Finally, a CEDS provides a useful benchmark by which a regional economy can evaluate opportunities with other regions in the national economy.

NEPA’s Research & Information Center is an affiliate of the Pennsylvania State Data Center, which serves as an intermediary between the Census Bureau and users. Data from the Census Bureau and other sources are used as background information for submitting applications for project funding assistance. NEPA can provide statistical information in either tabular or chart form and can also provide data that are based on a radius.