Federal regulations require the Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance as the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Schuylkill Counties, to develop and maintain a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP identifies the region’s highest priority transportation projects, develops a multi-year program of implementation and identifies available federal and non-federal funding for the programmed project phases. The TIP shows the estimated cost of each project and a projected schedule for completion of the project. The TIP covers a four-year period of investment, must be fiscally-constrained, and is updated every two years through a cooperative effort of local, state and federal agencies, including participation by the general public. Extensive public outreach is conducted during the development of the TIP, and public comments are considered fully in the development of the program.
A detailed discussion of the NEPA MPO’s public outreach activities are detailed in the Public Participation Plan found here.
The NEPA MPO recently updated its Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP identifies the region’s highest priority transportation projects, develops a multi-year program of implementation and identifies available federal and non-federal funding for the programmed project phases. The TIP shows the estimated cost of each project and a projected schedule for completion of the project. The TIP covers a four-year period of investment, must be fiscally-constrained, and is updated every two years through a cooperative effort of local, state and federal agencies, including participation by the general public.
A 30-day comment period on the draft 2025-2028 TIP was held from May 13, 2024 to June 14, 2024. A public hearing was held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. The NEPA MPO Technical Planning Committee and NEPA MPO Policy Board approved the 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program and related documents on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. Following approval of the TIP, it was submitted to the Commonwealth, the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration. The 2025-2028 TIP goes into effect on October 1, 2024.
Annual List of Obligated Projects
The Annual Listing of Obligated Projects was first required by the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act and continued with the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are required to publish a list of projects for which federal funds have been obligated in the previous federal fiscal year.